April 24, 2024 Last week after the eclipse comic, there was a brief shinning moment where I thought I might be able to get a buffer going again. Sadly, I then blew the last 2 weeks drawing today's monstrosity. Sigh. That being said, I'm really happy with how this came out. I'm sorry the updates aren't more frequent. I'm doing my best and I hope it brings a smile to your face whenever a new one of these pops up. -The Management |
Kidnapped by Gnomes is copyright 2006-2025 Katherine Peterson |
April 24, 2024 Last week after the eclipse comic, there was a brief shinning moment where I thought I might be able to get a buffer going again. Sadly, I then blew the last 2 weeks drawing today's monstrosity. Sigh. That being said, I'm really happy with how this came out. I'm sorry the updates aren't more frequent. I'm doing my best and I hope it brings a smile to your face whenever a new one of these pops up. -The Management |
Kidnapped by Gnomes is copyright 2006-2025 Katherine Peterson |
April 24, 2024 Last week after the eclipse comic, there was a brief shinning moment where I thought I might be able to get a buffer going again. Sadly, I then blew the last 2 weeks drawing today's monstrosity. Sigh. That being said, I'm really happy with how this came out. I'm sorry the updates aren't more frequent. I'm doing my best and I hope it brings a smile to your face whenever a new one of these pops up. -The Management |
Kidnapped by Gnomes is copyright 2006-2025 Katherine Peterson |